We have been through deaths
We have felt the loss of life and of meaning.
We have remembered the senseless suffering
Of the cross on Calvary.
All this is grist to God’s mill
That makes the bread of our resurrection.
All our struggles with suffering,
All our searching for meaning,
Is caught up into a deeper wisdom,
Written into a longer story
Deepening trust in a loving God.
Nothing is wasted.
And so, we struggle and we search
Knowing that beneath the ashes
Of this COVID year
The ripples of resurrection
Are already breaking through.
Casting an eternal light
Into our darkened memories.
And into our so sad hearts.
But our memories of COVID will be Eastered
Into a new and deeper life.
Belonging: going deeper,
Compassion: growing stronger,
Our world: more united,
Our values: purged of greed.
Our horizon: widened to eternity.
The risen Jesus is already walking among us
Inviting us to trust his Father
As He did on the cross
And asking us to renew our Spirit
In a new Pentecost.
So, talk to Him.