Every breath
is a life and a death.
We must breathe out Before we can breathe in. We need to trust the breath That is still to come If we are to empty our lungs Hoping they will be filled again.
We all live and breathe by trust. Conscious now of covid We crave clean air Knowing now that we are breathing Other peoples’ breaths.
The same air flows through us As flows through Africa and Asia. The virus reveals the weaves That rise and fall in our human lives. Reminding us that rich or poor White or black, Muslim Buddhist,
Christian, gay or straight,
young or old, that we adhere, We stick together. We really are sisters and brothers.
Take our breath and we return to the clay Of our planetary home.
Without the breath of the spirit
we have no energy for collaboration
no reconciliation.
The breath of the Holy Spirit
Floods us with hope
To recognise strangers
As family members
And every meeting
is a homecoming.
Covid is a disaster And a worldwide learning Of the yearning to go deeper In a belonging to creation embracing nations and factions in a kindness that breathes
into all humankind
a new atmosphere and climate For living together.
Pray that we don't squander
but ponder on our so sore loss
in this pandemic megapuause.
Pray that we escape the normal
and business as usual
and live with more grace
on the face of our earth.