We all know that every car has to have a regular check-up to see if it is safe to drive and not a threat to other people. In the UK we call this a Ministry of Transport Test or MOT for short. Other countries have similar arrangements. Here in Battersea, we thought “why just cars?” Our souls need a regular MOT as well. The Church has been running these annually in the season we call Lent and the MOT material we have created fits in well to the spirit of renewal and conversion encouraged by the church in the approach to the great feast of Easter.
Then we thought again. Why just Catholics? Doesn’t everyone need an annual check up for their soul as life gets more complicated and fragmented? So, we designed material that would be accessible to people of all faiths and none. Creating a resource that can be offered to the local area and nit simply the worshipping community at Church.
Like the MOT, the experience focuses around the five test areas:
The participants are introduced to reflections and activities that consider their sense of direction, their self-control, their vision, their way they treat their body, and use their energy to enliven their soul. Using these five areas with music, video, discussions and quiet reflection the participants are guided to make some resolution to take them into a more balanced future for their life and their soul.
The material can be used as a one-day intensive event, spread over a weekend, or delivered in six sessions over the Lenten period. The material is organised into a PowerPoint structure that guides the leader through the material with embedded videos and music. In addition, there is a small prayerbook to accompany the MOT experience with broad accessible prayers for everyone. The participants gather worksheets into a folder that will help them to revisit the experience.
Some people may not like the approach adopted because it is very open and begins reflection in a very down-to-earth human way. The faith dimension comes forward when participants begin to share their reflections and use the images and stories of scripture to find the deeper significance of their experience. If you are looking for a lot of religious language from the beginning, this experience is probably not for you. It is an act of faith that in every life, and in every experience, God is at work to bring meaning and direction through the pattern of the cross and resurrection.

We have run this programme a number of times in Battersea for a wide range of participants and it has proved popular and useful with some participants returning the following year. We will not be running it for a few years to make room for other experiences.
The material can, however, be made available to you via a link specifically for non profit organisations, churches, school staff, and adult groups of all kinds.
To use and adapt the material to your setting please get in touch to receive a link and let us know how it goes. yellamodsdb@gmail.com