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Turin 2024
Don Bosco's Preventive System (2)Artist Name
00:00 / 06:23
The Network
The Salesian schools' network is formed of two groups:
A well established group of trustee schools with a long experience of living the Salesian educational charism.
A more recent grouping of fellowship schools who draw on the Salesian charism to strengthen their own ethos.

Trustee group
Saint John Bosco College Battersea
Salesian College Farnborough
Savio Salesian College Bootle
Thornleigh Salesian College
Salesian School Chertsey
Saint John Bosco College Liverpool
Part of a worldwide
In 133 countries
Thousands of schools
Retreat centres
Street projects
Refugee services
All focused on young people
All working in the same tradition of St John Bosco and St Mary Mazzarello
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