We are here to help!

Support from the Salesian charism
The philosophy and charism of Don Bosco can be a significant catalyst for maintaining and developing school ethos. It belongs to the whole church.
Resources for maintaining ethos
The Salesian network has more than a century of experience in exploring ways to develop Catholic ethos. This network is a sharing hub for that tradition.
A national and international network
The Salesian network is spread throughout 132 countries. That makes for a stronger sense of identity and more opportunities for international links.

Sr Cecily Dunne FMA
Don Bosco inspires me absolutely! He had the answers for youth yesterday, he has the answers today and for the future.
Fr Pascual Chavez SDB
The Preventive System lived in our school community relationships, in the way we interact with young people and laity, is the ‘burning bush’ where God is waiting for us.
James Kibble
2 Key questions-
1.Which teacher should I go and thank for doing an amazing job?
2. What do young people want their school experience to look and feel like?