The Gospel in Action
Most schools will want to maintain some sort of focus on the election this summer. I would encourage schools to dig deep into Catholic Social Teaching to help inform the thinking of students in the month ahead.
The Opportunity
Don Bosco said that he followed the politics of the Our Father. As Salesians we always try to see the choices needed at an election through the vision of the Gospel. This June we have the chance to make that Gospel clearer in the choices facing the nation and also a chance to engage young people in their role as good Christians and honest citizens
Gospel Vision
The Gospel recognises that wealth must be created and that people need to be rewarded for their work. But is also insists that wealth be shared and that the poorest should be a key focus of decision making. That double imperative will lie behind much of the domestic political debates in the months head. The international dimension such as war, trade and global warming have behind them all the Gospel question "Who is my neighbour?".
Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice (CCSTP) provides Catholic resources for the 2024 general election. These resources aim to apply the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to promote justice, peace, and human dignity before and during the election campaign. They also lay the foundations for engagement with MPs after the general election. CCSTP highlights materials, training, reflection, and conversations related to election issues. Additionally, they offer a speakers’ list to connect you with expert speakers who can equip and empower your parish to engage with election matters from a Catholic perspective1.
Caritas Social Action Network has published some resources for secondary and primary schools on "Love The Stranger" with work sheets and PowerPoints to support it.
The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales resources for the election.
Cafod video for younger students on Catholic Social Teaching. 2 minutes
Catholic social teaching in 3 minutes from the Irish church.
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